Emma Jordan

1ntegrated Masters degree in Osteopathy (M.Ost.)

I grew up in the U.K. and moved to France when I was 10 years old. I returned to the U.K. to study at the European School of Osteopathy where I graduated in 2015. I learnt, in particular, the principles and skills to practice Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. The changes I was seeing in patients by using such a gentle approach fascinated me. I studied paediatric osteopathy during my masters degree and put my new skills to practice in our student clinic for pregnancy and children. My learning continued in Australia, where I moved in 2016. In 2017 I started working at Hillside Osteopathy under the mentorship of Karen Buckingham and Richard Wallis. Since then I have been developing my knowledge and skill in Biodynamic Cranial Osteopathy founded by Dr James Jealous D.O.

I am committed to give each person individualised care and to work in partnership with them. I treat all ages, including babies, children and pre/post natal women. I use a very gentle treatment modality, aiming to find and treat the cause of the presenting condition rather than using a symptom focused approach. I don’t use high velocity low amplitude thrust (HVLA) techniques also known as “cracking”.

My interest is in how we function as human beings, our bodies and our minds, how our life experience shapes us and how to become the best version of ourselves.